13 Traits of Alpha Males

The term Alpha male represents the male personality archetype that is on top of the socio-sexual hierarchy. Even though the term might make one think of a man who is bulky in appearance, arrogant and narcissistic, that is not true at all. Here is an attempt to look into the behavioral traits that set Alpha males from the other personality archetypes.
Amila Kees - avatar
Amila Kees
November 12, 20224 Minutes read
13 Traits of Alpha Males - main image}

Keen interest in social hierarchies and their own position in them

For the typical Alpha male, it is all about the tribe and his position in it. He is drawn to social groups. With a keen eye, he will observe the group dynamics and recognize which member holds which position in the group's hierarchy, as well as his own position, and start working towards becoming the
leader. An Alpha male is never content being a subordinate or a follower.


An Alpha male is capable of controlling his fear and insecurities and facing challenges and less favorable situations calmly and making it through them. Being brave is not about having no fear, but controlling it so it does not cripple you, and Alpha males are masters of having control over fear.

Need to look good

Look Good
How he looks physically to other people is very important to the Alpha male. They know that the leadership roles they are so eager to assume demand that their appearance impresses the other members of the group. So, an Alpha male will make the effort to look good, exercise, have a healthy diet, groom, dress to impress, and so on. He will strive to make his clothing, hairstyle, and even his cologne impeccable.

Leadership instinct

An Alpha male always strives to become the leader of the group. He is never content being a follower. He will always work on becoming the best he can be and start leading the group. He does not do so to bully people around or be a tyrant. He respects the social hierarchy and wants to lead the group toward betterment.


Confidence is one of the most prominent traits of an Alpha male. An Alpha male might even appear to be borderline over-confident. Not being afraid to fail and seeing failure as an opportunity to gain experience for a successful next attempt, an Alpha male takes on challenges other men wouldn't even think of taking.


Alpha males are extroverted. They need to be around other people. They thrive on the stimulation social interaction can provide. They have no problem drawing attention to themselves and being in the spotlight. They are keen observers of the workings of social hierarchy and very good at reading people too. An Alpha male will always be an outgoing, sociable and charming man who could fit into any social group and be the center of attention.


Alpha males are known for their interest in power, wealth, and social status, but their life purposes, visions, and passions are what drive them more than anything. This vision is what drives Alpha males to build kingdoms or mega-corporations and bring about changes to society that last for generations. Every radical change in politics, economy, or culture takes place as a result of this vision. Without these visionary Alpha males, the human race would not have seen any progress.

Success with women

Alpha males have no problem attracting women, in fact, they almost always have an abundance of them. They possess nearly everything women look for in a man, good looks, confidence, wealth, power, high social status, and popularity. An Alpha male might even date multiple women at a time, and make sure he has had his fill of beautiful women before settling down. An alpha male might have a sexual adventure in secret even after settling down too.

Not backing off from conflict

An Alpha male would never let his position in the socio-sexual hierarchy be threatened. He will stand his ground and defend it. Alpha males can be dangerous, even violent if pushed, but they tend to keep the aggression tempered with wisdom, patience, and reasoning.
An Alpha male would not stand idly when faced with injustice either. Whenever an Alpha male is subjected to or witnesses an injustice he will protest and fight.

Intimidating and impressive body language

Alpha males are well aware of the effects their body language can have on others. They are very good at using body language to give out the impression that they are on top of the dominance hierarchy. They will always stand tall, walk upright with steady steps, look the other person in the eye, and use a clear, steady, and loud enough voice during conversations.

Physical strength

Alpha males generally have good physiques. They are very likely to engage in sports in their youth. They are likely to be in good shape throughout their lives by working out regularly or engaging in some kind of physical activity.

Protective instinct

An Alpha male is always concerned about the well-being of the members of the social group he leads, be it his family, employees, members of his political party, or whatever. Should any harm come to a member of the group, he will dive in to protect that person.


As leaders of various social groups, Alpha males are always in need of making decisions, and they possess the ability to make hard decisions relatively fast. They can not afford to waver in their decision-making as the other members of their groups look to them for guidance.

Final thoughts

When all these personality traits are considered, it is quite clear that Stigma associated with the Alpha male archetype is misleading. An Alpha male is not a man with vanity muscles who is boisterous, obnoxious, and bullying but a man who leads his group by example, has a great vision and is passionate, never shies away from conflict or tolerates injustice, and takes good care of himself and his group.