9 Steps to Become a Sigma Male

The mysterious wanderer who plays by his own rules and often succeeds in whatever endeavor he takes on known as the Sigma male has intrigued the womenfolk and inspired men for quite some time now. Distinguished by personality traits such as introversion, nonconformity, quiet demeanor, authenticity, and deep thinking, the Sigma male archetype has many men interested in becoming one.
Amila Kees - avatar
Amila Kees
October 08, 20224 Minutes 30 Seconds read
9 Steps to Become a Sigma Male - main image}

The Sigma male archetype

The mysterious wanderer who plays by his own rules and often succeeds in whatever endeavor he takes on known as the Sigma male has intrigued the womenfolk and inspired men for quite some time now. Distinguished by personality traits such as introversion, nonconformity, quiet demeanor, authenticity, and deep thinking, the Sigma male archetype has many men interested in becoming one.

Why should one aspire to become a Sigma male?

There are many advantages to being a Sigma male.


Sigma men get to exercise freedom like no other male personality archetypes. Being fully in touch with who they are and what they want in life, they don’t have to do what others tell them to do. A Sigma male is not likely to take a traditional job, he would rather be self-employed or an entrepreneur, so he wouldn’t have a boss telling them what to do. Since they don’t care about what other people think of them, or hardly ever succumb to peer pressure, they don’t have to try to pretend to be someone else, and that saves them time, effort, and even money.

Inner solace

Inner Solace
Not having to be pretentious for others’ sake, make decisions with others’ wants and needs in mind, or worry over trivialities and material possessions, a Sigma male has peace of mind like no other.

Being very attractive to the opposite sex

The calm, quiet, and composed nature together with the level of confidence to find his own path and walk on it regardless of what others say, think, or do make a typical Sigma male extremely attractive to women. The mysterious air that surrounds a Sigma male and his general ignorance of women makes a such man even more desirable for them.

How can one become a Sigma male?

While what really shapes one’s personality is still debatable, there is agreement among psychologists that both nature and nurture are detrimental to a person’s personality. So, a man who is not a typical Sigma can become one by understanding the archetype and adopting the relevant behavioral traits by practicing.

Spend more time alone

This goes without saying, introversion is one of the key behavioral traits of the Sigma male archetype. Take some time off, break away from the usual crowd you hang out with, be somewhere you won’t be disturbed, and enjoy your own company, thinking, observing, and learning.

Be yourself

Be Yourself
Have some alone time and look into your own self. Be objective and try to figure out your tastes, and values. Then think about how much of those you have compromised so far, to fit in, be popular, or gain some worldly possessions. Now reflect upon the fact that there is no other person like you in the whole world. You are unique. That uniqueness is what makes you great. Make a strong resolve to just be yourself from now on.

Live by your own rules

Make it a habit to always question the rules and standards that have been imposed on the members of society. Question how just, valid or sensible they are to you. Ditch the ones that are not and make your own as you see fit.

Believe in yourself

The most powerful force that holds back a man from choosing his own path and walking along it is fear, fear that you will not make it alone, fear of the unknown. Fear is not a bad thing in itself. Fear is what prevents one from taking unnecessary risks. But it should not prevent one from reaching one’s full potential. The best way to conquer this fear is to believe in yourself. Believe in your skills, knowledge, and experiences. They will get you through all the obstacles and contingencies that might get in the way of your adventure journey.

Be flexible and adaptable

A Sigma male typically does not stay in one place for long, he is on a continuous journey. Anybody who wants to become a Sigma male has to be able to adapt to various places and situations they encounter along the way.

Develop self-reliance

Being a Sigma male calls for being alone for a considerable amount of your time. So, you must be able to take care of your needs by yourself in those situations. You need to have a broad spectrum of knowledge and skills in order to do that. Broaden the horizon of your knowledge through reading, observing, and formal education if necessary. You must also acquire the skills needed to make it on your own. Finance, information technology, languages, health and fitness, and cuisine are some of the areas that you might want to improve your knowledge about, but it really depends on the particular path you are going to choose for yourself.

Have a compatible source of income

A traditional job is not likely to cut it for you if you are to be a Sigma male. You need to have something that allows you to work how you want when you want. Start off by thinking about what you are really passionate about. What are you passionate about doing the most? Try to figure out a way to present it to the world in the form of a product or a service in exchange for Money. Most Sigma men choose to be self-employed, freelancers, artists, or entrepreneurs.

Choose sexual partners with a compatible personality

Compatible Partner
Even though attracting women and dating them is relatively easy for Sigmas as the very behavioral traits that set them apart make them very desirable for women, establishing a lasting intimate relationship with women is a little tricky for them. Most women like to settle down with someone who has economic stability and is willing to fit into society and achieve good social status. A Sigma male can settle down with a woman only if she is not clingy, independent, and not afraid of change and new experiences.

Have a few really close people in your life

Being a Sigma male does not mean you have to shun all human contact and live like a hermit. If aspire to become one, have few but very close people in your life who accept you for who you are and like you for who you are. They can be friends, colleagues, neighbors, relatives or family, or even someone you date. Be their friend in need, not necessarily the friend who always hangs out for a good time. They will always be there for you and cherish you.

Final thoughts

It is not going to be a quick and swift transition. Like every goal worth achieving, it is going to take time and effort. Take baby steps in the path of the lone wolf rather than plunging into it head-on. You are more likely to succeed that way.