Alpha Male vs Sigma Male

There is a very fine line between alpha males versus sigma males. They can be identified easily by their introvert or extrovert nature and with their behaviors at critical situations, as aggression is a trait of an alpha and composure is of sigma. Although Alphas rank on the top of the social hierarchy, sigmas stand out as a personality.
Nasriya Naffin - avatar
Nasriya Naffin
September 30, 20225 Minutes read
Alpha Male vs Sigma Male - main image}

How does the social ranking system work?

We can easily sense where we fit in. When you attend a party you would have noticed that some men grab people's attention effortlessly while some make a fool out of themselves. That's the sociosexual hierarchy in action. It does precisely what it says.
It finds where you fit in the eyes of those around you on an imaginary and yet socially developed scale. This will determine how powerful and sexually attractive you are in comparison to others.
Socio Sexual Hierarchy
The socio-sexual hierarchy– a catergorization system that describes and organizes males into archetypes and hierarchical ranks. It classifies them based on their personality-how they interact with the others, their behavior, and their inclinations. Personality types decide your characteristic traits. Knowing which personality type you belong to will help you navigate life better and achieve life goals successfully. Male personalities are of six types. However, this article is on alpha males vs sigma male personality types.
Sigma males are at the top, but outside of the power pyramid. They are equal to Alpha males, but have a bewitching power that makes them mysterious. They are the most sought after men everyone wants to be with and want to be.
This is a real game of power, and going up the male hierarchy is appropriate to achieve success and happiness. Social rankings are deep-seated in human beings and it will be a part of you as long as you breathe.

Who is a sigma male?

Socio Sexual Hierarchy
Sigma males choose to live their lives away from the hierarchy of social dominance structure of society. They are not the average guys, but a lone wolf. Choosing to walk the solitary path is what sets them apart from the alphas. They prefer to live their life on their own terms and do not wish to adhere to social norms. Sigma males do not require social stimulation to grow, and they are capable of spending extensive time alone in their thoughts. They prefer living their life as a traveler, adventurer, and wanderer. They are not identified with dominance hierarchies, and are also known as lone wolves. Sigmas are the unconfined men in the hierarchy and enjoy all the pleasure that other men cannot imagine. They choose what suits them and not what is imposed.
Read more about Sigma Male Personality

Traits of a sigma male

Lead without dominating
A good team player who takes others' opinions seriously and arrives at decisions in which everyone is happy.
Social skills will be rusty
A simple and humble person with qualities that are not sophisticated.
Does not comply with social expectations
Not bothered about social norms. Lives life on his own terms.
Gets along with all but does not depend on any
Gets along with everyone well but not the person who needs other people's help.
Likes to be a lone
Likes to spend time alone working on themselves.
Not rigid, quiet flexible qualities.
A person who has really identified who he is.
Self motivated
Does not need external motivation.

Who is an alpha male?

Socio Sexual Hierarchy
Alpha males are highly confident, intelligent, outgoing and successful individuals, but they are not the happiest unless they are the big wheels. 70% of the senior executives are alpha males. They are leaders by nature and achieve the top ranks in large organizations. Decision making is challenging for some, but alpha personalities get stressed when the decision making power doesn’t rest on them. They are comfortable with responsibility, and decision making, and it delivers thrill. They would willingly take up responsibilities that most people would find overwhelming. Large organizations cannot run without these personalities.
Read more about Alpha Male Personality

Traits of alpha males

  • highly driven- Full of energy
  • Highly confident- strongly believe in themselves
  • Brave- ready to take risks
  • Assertive- firm on decisions
  • Aggressive- gets into fights
  • Sociable- outgoing personality
  • Dominating- A control freak
  • Powerful- Influential
  • Popular among women- capture women’s attention easily
  • Great leaders- good decision makers

How are they similar

  • Both possess high self esteem
  • Impeccable leadership qualities
  • Protective of others
  • Popular among women

How are they different

Alpha malesSigma males
Lives up to social expectationChooses to take a solitary path
Leads by dominatingLeads by example
Prefers to be at the top of social hierarchyStays away from social hierarchy by choice

Do Alpha males outshine sigma males?

When you compare alpha males versus sigma males, definitely 90% of the time sigma males come on the top. The reason being their personality is unshakable to external threats. Sigmas will always stand their ground and strike back only when it is an absolute necessity. On the contrary, the alphas are easily provoked by external threats, and can be physically and verbally aggressive.

Can you become a Sigma male – A True Lone Wolf ?

Socio Sexual Hierarchy
The answer is a yes and a no. A few traits a sigma male has are innate and others have been nurtured overtime. You might not be able to get there 100% but you can get there to a certain degree. Let us take a look at how you can achieve it.

Here are a few habits that you must develop to become a sigma male:

Learn to get out of your comfort zone
Sigma males are more resilient individuals who do not comply with social norms. They are adventurous, curious and always try to do new things. They are go-getters and live life on their own terms.
Take care of your mental health
When you choose to live on your own terms, you will have to face backlashes. Only if you are mentally stable will you be able to handle it without losing your composure.
Invest in personal development
There are many skills that you will have to learn to develop a sigma male personality such as social skills, assertive training, leadership skills, problem solving and many more .
Invest your time in exercising
Exercising will not only improve your physical body, it will also help in building resilience. It will improve your mindset, helps you to focus and will make you feel better about yourself while boosting self-confidence.
Be a reader
Leaders are readers. Reading adds numerous value to your life. It will open up your mind to accept and endure the solitary path that you are about to take.
The most difficult quality to adapt to is being an introvert if you are extroverted. Because sigma personalities like seclusion and spend most of their time alone working on themselves, their goals and dreams. Being introverted is an innate quality, but can change overtime if you are committed to adapting to the habits of becoming a sigma.


There is a very fine line between alpha males versus sigma males. They can be identified easily by their introvert or extrovert nature and with their behaviors at critical situations, as aggression is a trait of an alpha and composure is of sigma. Although Alphas rank on the top of the social hierarchy, sigmas stand out as a personality.